
Opinion Poll #1

This is probably not the first thing you'd think of doing on a Friday, but it would mean the world to me if you could take a moment to answer this poll.


This is probably neither here nor there, but here is a super adorable picture of a puppy imploring you to take the poll.

"You are now under my spell .... take the poll ... taaake the poll ..."

Do the right thing, guys. Listen to the puppy.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

[edit:] I probably should have mentioned earlier, but this poll is entirely anonymous.

This means the puppy can't track you down even if she tried. And as anybody who is anybody knows - puppies are pretty good at tracking stuff down. 

... Most of the time.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Mezay! Thanks. The puppy is super pleased.

  2. Heya Rhoda, it was no problem at all. Thanks for checking back and commenting in return! Following each other now seems like the natural progression. :)

  3. hi darling. i think you really have a great start to your blog going on here, and you have a really good eye for aesthetics. i don't think ever blog necessarily needs to have content that the blogger creates herself - meaning outfit posts or lifestyle posts - i sometimes like to follow blogs just like yours is here - BUT! if you think that the quality of your own photos can match that of the sort of inspiration posts you have here i would say go for it. i wish you lots of luck and will add you. feel free to add me back, darling.

    xx rae

    1. Hello Rae, thanks so much for being a sweetie-pie and leaving me your two cents. I always love receiving any kind of feedback on the old blogstead, which is probably why this poll exists right now. Haaha. Also! This is true what you've said about photography skills - those are most likely important. Either way, this has been much appreciated, and it has given me much to think about! Thanks again hun. xx


HELLO THERE! Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I read, love and appreciate every last written morsel you send my way, bless your little heart.

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